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The Season of Change Tarot Spread


Here is a seasonal Tarot spread that can be used as the Wheel of the Year turns. Unlike most Tarot Spreads, do think of a specific question or situation - you want to be completely receptive to what the cards want to reveal to you.

The first step is to choose a card to signify yourself.  You can choose either a court card to represent yourself, or you can choose a major arcana card that has the most predominant current qualities you see in yourself.

After you choose the Significator, lay it down and then shuffle the cards as you would for any other layout.



Card Nine

The Significator is placed partially under Card Nine with Cards Seven and Eight on either side of it.

Card Seven                                  Card Eight


Card Three                                                                       Card Six

Card One               Card Two                  Card Four                  Card Five


Cards One through Three represent the passing season, and are broken down as follows:

Card One - Mind, or the intellectual part of your life

Card Two - Body, or the physical part of your life

Card Three - Spirit, or the spiritual part of your life


Cards Four through Six represent the coming season and are broken down as follows:

Card Four- Mind, or the intellectual part of your life

Card Five - Body, or the physical part of your life

Card Six - Spirit, or the spiritual part of your life


Cards Seven, Eight and Nine are placed around the Significator and translate as follows: 

Card Seven - This represents what will remain the same in the new season. 

Card Eight - represents the changes before you. 

Card Nine - presents an overall theme for the season ahead.....a guide of sorts.


I received this spread many years ago in a newsletter sent out by Kris Waldherr, the creator of the Goddess Tarot.  Good luck with it!