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Imbolc Spells


Illuminating the Cauldron Spell

  Fill your cauldron with dark earth. Take nine tapered candles and plant them into the Earth in a spiral pattern beginning in the centre and continuing deosil. With each candle, contemplate a different aspect of Imbolc.

1. Light the candle in the middle first, picturing light penetrating winters darkness.

2. With the second candle, welcome the spring and picture the great wheel of the year turning to the halfway point. The cauldron is the womb of the Goddess, the belly of Imbolc.

3. Think of the magic of the beginning of life and all the possibility contained as new life energies as you light the third candle. Each new dawn is a clean slate that may bring you closer to realizing your dreams.

4. With the fourth candle, imagine the circumstances surrounding your own physical birth. Picture your relationship to your biological Mother as a reflection of your relationship to the Divine Mother. All of us need mothering in one form or another. By facing your own vulnerability, you are preparing yourself for rebirth.

5. As you light the fifth candle, focus on the lesson your spiritual path has taught you. There are intimate truths that you have undoubtedly discovered. Give thanks for challenges met and knowledge gained.

6. The sixth candle represents the unknown, the lessons that lie in front of you and all the things you have yet to learn. Cultivate humility even as you recount your accomplishments.

7. Light the seventh candle and meditate on all the things you wish to change. They can be material, physical or spiritual. Use your magic to make a positive impact on your life.

8. The eighth candle represents the things you most need to heal. These include the physical ailments of yourself and of others, the suffering of the planet, rifts in relationships, and so on. Invoke healing into your life, and make room for it to begin. Release old wounds and past hurts. Take responsibility for your health in a new way. Focus on the best possible outcomes for situations that are beyond your control or influence.

9. As you light the ninth candle welcome inspiration into your practice. Ask the Goddess to illuminate her presence in a new way. Sing. Write a poem in her honour. Even if you are not particularly artistic, use the energy of the season to assist you in manifesting your magic in a tangible way. Create a special charm or a new blend of incense. Whatever method of expression, ask the Goddess to inspire you and show forth her beauty in your work.

From Hearth and Home Witchery

Submitted by Rowan Morgana

Imbolc New Beginnings Seed Spell

Items Needed:

  • Seeds
  • Small Pot
  • Soil
  • Water

Imbolc is a time of new beginnings, our winter dreaming is over and now it's time for us to plant the seeds of inspiration to make our dreams come true.  Be clear in your mind what you wish to "grow" during the coming months.  Pick one seed for each wish and one by one hold each seed in your power hand while concentrating on each wish one at a time.  When you are finished empowering your seeds plant them one by one in the pot of soil while chanting:

Seeds embraced by Mother Earth
New ideas are given birth.

Add some water to the planted seeds while chanting:

Seeds anoint with water pure
New life within shall endure.

Hold the flower pot in your hand while chanting:

What I desire now will grow
So Mote it Be ! I will it so.

©Rowan Morgana



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