Chamber of Masks Meditation
Find a quiet, comfortable place to perform the meditation, some place where you will not be disturbed. Be sure to answer the questions after the meditation below.
Close your eyes. Imagine that a soft white glow is forming at your feet. It begins to swirl upward and it forms a protective shell around you. It lifts you up and takes you on a journey to the core of your being.
The misty glow sets you down and dissipates to reveal a marble staircase that spirals downward. The light is very dim along the walls of the staircase and you can't see all the way to the bottom, but you know this is a place into which you must venture.
You begin down the staircase and you notice it spirals in a counterclockwise direction. The light in the staircase comes from candles flickering in small carved niches along the walls. The staircase walls are made of smooth, cold marble that your occasionally touch as you continue to journey downward.
As you work your way down the stairs, notice on the walls that there are occasionally sigils, magickal symbols formed out of metal and embedded into the walls. These are the symbols of your shadow masks. Take note of whichever one is most prominent. This is the symbol for your primary shadow mask.
Reach up and touch the symbol of your primary shadow mask and you'll find that it comes loose from the wall. As you hold it in your hands, you can feel the cold weight of the metal symbol and you can see it from all sides. Hold on to this symbol as you continue down the stairs.
When you reach the bottom, you find before you a great golden door. You try the door, but it is locked. Look at the keyhole and you will find that it is oddly shaped. Slip the metal symbol you hold into the keyhole and you'll find that it unlocks the door. Open the door d enter the chamber.
The room is cold and quite dark, except for a single point of illumination that emanates from the far side of the room. The light comes from a mask that hangs on the far wall. Go over to it and look at it. You notice that it is well within reach, so you take it down and examine it thoroughly. On the inside of the mask is its name. Take note of it.
After you've examined the mask, place it on your face and ask: "How do I resolve this shadow mask?" Listen carefully to the answer. Once you've heard the message, ask one more question: "What does this shadow mask keep me from doing?"
After you've queried the mask, take it off and place it back on the wall. Exit the chamber and lock the door with the medal symbol you retained. As you climb the stairs, you can place the symbol anywhere along the wall and it will set itself within the marble. Continue to head to the top of the stairs, this time moving much more quickly than before.
Once you have reached the top, the white glow enfolds you once again, lifts you up, and brings you back into your body.
When you have arrived back fully, take a moment to contemplate your experience and do the exercises and answer the questions below:
1. Draw the symbol of the primary shadow mask.
2. Draw your shadow mask.
3. What is the name of the shadow mask?
4. What part do you play in keeping this mask alive?
5. What are the effects of this shadow mask on your life?
6. What does this shadow mask keep you from accomplishing?
7. What action must you take in order to resolve your primary shadow mask?
8. What have you to learn from this shadow mask?
From Mysteries of the Dark Moon