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Faerie Lore



Faerie Realms

Tir-Nan-Og – Celtic Land of the Faeries meaning “The Land of the Young”   according to legend can be found across the sea, to the West. Tir-Nan-Og is a paradise of beauty, dance and song with trees always filled with fruit and flowers perpetually blooming.


The Hollow Hills - Prehistoric earthen mounds found in Ireland.


The Fairy City of Gorias – A City of Air and the East where an atmosphere of peace and tranquility pervades.  Rectangular white buildings have pennants streaming out and fluttering from the rooftops in the perpetual breeze.  The Symbol of Gorias is a golden statue of a man holding a sword and a flower.  The sword represents power of the intellect to cut through ignorance and the rose indicates that this is tempered by gentleness. Gorias teaches


The Fairy City of Finias – A city of Fire and the South where the people are warm hearted.  The light is perpetual, darkness never falls.  The symbol of Finias is a staff planted in the floor which grows branches as you watch.  Finias teaches imagination and intuition.


The Fairy City of Murias – A City of Water and the West that stands on the shores of a western ocean.   The symbol of Murias is a golden chalice.  Murias teaches you to open your heart to your feelings and the feelings of others.


The Fairy City of Falias – A City of Earth and the North where darkness pervades and no one lives.  The symbol of Falias is a huge, ancient meteoric rock with subtle light playing around it.  Falias teaches awareness of the earth and the ancientness of your soul.


Faerie Rings – A circle of darker- colored grass caused by fungus and/or a circle of mushrooms.  Any naturally occurring ring found in nature including crop circles, moss circles and trees may leave a circular clear patch of ground.


Faerie Paths – Narrow trails, starting nowhere in particular and ending abruptly or going toward a stone or mound. 


Faerie Food and Drink 

Milk, honey cake, grain, wine


Faerie Clothes

Faerie Folk are very fussy about their clothing, preferring the beautiful and costly.  If a Faerie is robbed of his clothing he is doomed to remain captive in the human world until he recovers it.  Red and green are the favoured colors for faerie clothing symbolizing the power of  Nature.  Red is the color of blood and death, green is the color of vegetation.


Human clothes can be used as a weapon to break Faerie Enchantment.

  • If you are being troubled by faeries while out walking take off your coat and turn it inside out, thus distracting the Faeries long enough to escape.
  • If Faeries are disturbing your sleep at night place your shoes by the bed with the toes pointing outward and put your socks beneath them.
  • A glove thrown into a Faerie Ring will stop all the revelry.


Faerie Music and Language


Faeries love music most of all and gifted musicians may be spirited away to Fairyland.  There are pieces of music in existence that are said to be of Faerie origin such as Londonderry Air and the Fairy Dance of Scotland.

Londonderry Air: The original music is the tune to the modern "Danny Boy"

Would God I were the tender apple blossom

That floats and falls from off the twisted bough

To lie and faint within your silken bosom

Within your silken bosom as that does now.

Or would I were a little burnish'd apple

For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold

While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple

Your robe of lawn, and you hair's spun gold.


Yea, would to God I were among the roses

That lean to kiss you as you float between

While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses

A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.

Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing

A happy daisy, in the garden path

That so your silver foot might press me going

Might press me going even unto death.


The Fairy Dance of Scotland


When you wander in the wild places of Nature listen for snatches of Faerie music wafted on the breeze.


Faerie speech can be indistinct and incomprehensible, difficulty understanding Faeries may be caused by our rational mind getting in the way.  Some Faeries speak wordlessly, and others us the language of the land to which they are attached. 

Submitted by Rowan Morgana

Source: The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey